Prof. MUDr. Vladimír Teplan, DrSc.

Internal medicine, nephrology, clinical nutrition

Prof. MUDr. Vladimír Teplan

Prof. MUDr Vladimír Teplan, DrSc graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of Charles University in Prague and gained clinical practice experience first at the internal department of the Thomayer Hospital, then at the Third Internal Research Base of IKEM and then the IKEM Nephrology Clinic, where he was the head of the clinic for ten years and the deputy head for another eight years. At the same time, as the head of the sub-department, he led the teaching of doctors in nephrology, internal medicine, and metabolism and nutrition. He has been involved in this area for more than 30 years. He has obtained grade I and grade II specialisations in internal medicine, nephrology, and metabolism and nutrition. He is a professor of internal medicine at Charles University in Prague and a doctor of medical sciences. He is the author of a number of books and articles in Czech and foreign literature. He often lectures at foreign and domestic congresses on metabolic disorders in nephrology and internal medicine, in the elderly, and in nutritional disorders (malnutrition and obesity). He is a member of a number of international professional societies and an honorary member of the Czech, Hungarian, and Slovak nephrological societies.

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