Invisible retainers

The state-of-the-art way to fix crooked teeth using innovative 3D technology

Invisalign clear aligners are a type of cutting-edge treatment using innovative 3D technology and a system consisting of a set of completely invisible foils. Invisalign foil aligners have the same effect as traditional braces. They gently move the teeth into the desired position. However, no one will even notice them on your smile. You can preview your future smile even before you start treatment. Invisible braces are very popular both in Western Europe and the US. Be world-class. Try them too to experience their advantages!
Invisible braces for adults can be applied only by certified orthodontists. Our experts at Ambicare are among these specialists. Teeth alignment is painless and applied on the basis of an individual plan containing precise tooth movements and the duration of the treatment. Except in cases of severe dental defects, braces can be applied to anyone.

Advantages of invisible aligners


Almost invisible

Aligners are clear, transparent, and absolutely imperceptible.

Čištění zubů

Easy teeth brushing

Easy cleaning reduces the risk of tooth decay.

Zubní náhrady


You can easily remove the aligners by yourself whenever you need to.

estetická dermatologie

Convenient treatment

The foil places no pressure anywhere and the teeth can be cleaned comfortably.

Course of treatment with invisible aligners

  1. We will create digital images of your teeth and prepare a 3D plan for the aligners
  2. The doctor will propose an individual treatment plan, with exact movement of the teeth and the duration of the treatment
  3. A set of custom-made aligners is made for you using the state-of-the-art 3D printing technology
  4. You should wear your aligners every day for at least 22 hours
  5. After two weeks, you will replace the aligners by yourself
  6. You will see your doctor every eight to 12 weeks for a check-up
  7. The duration of the treatment depends on the severity of the condition and lasts from nine to 18 months

See what the scan and 3D model of invisible aligners look like

Contractual health insurance companies

VZP pojišťovna
Zdravotní pojišťovna ministerstva vnitra
Česká průmyslová zdravotní pojišťovna
VOZP zdravotní pojišťovna
OZP zdravotní pojišťovna
Zaměstnanecká pojišťovna Škoda

Contact us

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Ambicare Prague 4

K Hrnčířům 25, Praha 4

Ambicare Prague 6

Vítězné náměstí 10, Praha 6