Services for pregnant women

Services for pregnant women Pregnancy is a period during which taking care of a woman and her health is especially important. In gynaecology, services are provided to pregnant women to ensure a safe and healthy course of pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum. Services...

Microscopic endodontics

Microscopic endodontics This is the treatment of root canals using a large magnification, which is provided by an operating microscope. The root canals of a healthy tooth contain pulp. This is formed by connective tissue and blood vessels that nourish the tooth with...

Services for doctors

Services for doctors Are you having trouble with root canal treatment or don’t know what to do with a broken canal instrument? We are happy to help you. In our surgery, we perform endodontic treatment under a Carl Zeiss microscope. Would you like to receive more...

Dental implants

Dental implants Modern times require modern solutions, and dental implants undoubtedly conform to this classification. Losing a tooth is a very unpleasant event for everyone and it is not easy to deal with it. When replacing a tooth, we always prefer a fixed solution...

Dental restorations

Dental restorations Dental restorations are used to replace missing teeth or to restore their original shape (function). Dental restorations are created outside the patient’s mouth on the basis of an impression. Dental restorations can be divided into two...