Dental hygiene
Dental hygiene has become a symbol of healthy and beautiful teeth, and its completion should be an integral part of caring for your teeth. Dental hygiene is not just a cosmetic service, but should be understood as an important therapeutic and preventive procedure that each of us should undergo from time to time. The success of modern dental practice involves not only invisible white fillings, or beautiful dentures placed on ground-down teeth. It is a much greater success when there is no need to perform any filling or replacement. The best investment in health is an investment in prevention, and this is doubly true for teeth, which is why regular dental hygiene visits are guaranteed to pay off.

Services provided as part of dental hygiene

  • examination of the oral cavity and gums
  • removal of dental plaque, tartar, and pigmentation
  • selection of suitable dental aids for home dental hygiene
  • explanation of dental caries, tartar, and periodontitis
  • practical training of tooth brushing techniques
  • measurement of interdental spaces and recommendation of interdental brushes
  • application of remineralisation paste to increase the resistance of teeth against tooth decay

How does a dental hygiene visit work?

The first visit includes an examination of the condition of the teeth and gums, an explanation of the problem of tooth decay, gingivitis, or periodontitis, and the removal of all tartar and pigmentation. Please bring all the dental equipment you normally use to each visit.

Every dental hygiene session can include sandblasting using the AIRFLOW PROPHYLAXIS MASTER device.   At the end of the visit, instruction is given as to the correct technique for brushing teeth and suitable tools are selected for home dental hygiene.

The second visit – RECALL – is a follow-up visit where tartar and pigmentation are removed and the cleaning technique is checked. This visit should be repeated at least twice a year, or according to individual needs.

Dental hygiene medical team

Monika Hendrichová
Monika Hendrichová

orthodontic assistant, dental hygienist

Tereza Jiroušová, DiS.

dental hygienist

See what our dental hygiene looks like

Price list, dental hygiene

Here you will find a detailed price list for dental hygiene procedures

Contractual health insurance companies

VZP pojišťovna
Zdravotní pojišťovna ministerstva vnitra
Česká průmyslová zdravotní pojišťovna
VOZP zdravotní pojišťovna
OZP zdravotní pojišťovna
Zaměstnanecká pojišťovna Škoda

Contact us

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Ambicare Prague 4

K Hrnčířům 25, Praha 4

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Ambicare Prague 6

Vítězné náměstí 10, Praha 6