
You can decide to treat irregularly positioned teeth and jaws with braces at any age. A beautiful smile will become your gateway to a successful personal and professional life.

When is it appropriate to visit the orthodontist’s surgery?

1. Children and adolescents (irregular tooth growth): it is advisable for your dentist to monitor the condition of the teeth and jaws of paediatric patients at an early age, so that the development of possible orthodontic problems can be detected in time.

2. Occlusal disturbance (incorrect bite): seeing an orthodontist is essential if you have biting or chewing problems. Manifestations of an incorrect bite, such as damage to tooth enamel or pain in the jaw joints, should be consulted with your dentist in a timely manner.

3. Problems with aesthetics and the appearance of teeth: an orthodontist can help with aesthetic problems associated with inclination, gaps between teeth, or other irregularities in the oral cavity. Alternatively, the orthodontist will set the teeth in the correct position for further dental procedures.

4. Discomfort or pain in the jaw area: may indicate the need for orthodontic treatment, especially if the jaws are misaligned and require surgical correction.

5. Premature loss of baby teeth: orthodontic care may be needed in children with early loss of baby teeth, where there is a need to hold space in the dental arch for permanent teeth to erupt.

6. Breathing problems (sleep apnea syndrome): orthodontic care can help with problems that can affect breathing and cause snoring or pauses in breathing during sleep.

7. Congenital developmental anomalies: if a congenital developmental defect occurs in the oral cavity area, an orthodontist can be one of the necessary professionals to provide professional help.

It is important to remember that orthodontic care is not limited to children and young people. Many adults also seek orthodontic care for various types of problems. If you have any concerns or suspicions about the necessity of orthodontic treatment, it is advisable to find out about the possible solutions with your dentist and then visit an orthodontist.

Ortodoncie krásný úsměv

Phases of orthodontic treatment

1. Consultation

At the first visit, we will examine the patient and offer options for orthodontic treatment. The patient then decides whether or not to undergo orthodontic treatment.

2. Establishing a treatment plan

If the patient decides to have orthodontic treatment, the necessary documentation must be prepared and a precise treatment plan established. We then make dental impressions for plaster models, X-rays, and photographic documentation. On the basis of these examinations, we will determine the subsequent course of action, including what type of device will be used and what the cost of the treatment will be.

3. Active treatment

Treatment with a fixed appliance (fixed retainers) usually lasts two years and includes metal, ceramic, or sapphire braces. Perfect oral hygiene is of key importance here. After its completion, a retention phase is used, in which the patient wears removable braces at night.

Treatment with a removable appliance (removable braces) is most often used in the treatment of patients who are undergoing the replacement of milk teeth with permanent ones, or as retention devices after the end of treatment with fixed braces.

4. Retention treatment

The retention phase is used after treatment with fixed braces. The goal is to stabilise the result achieved by orthodontic treatment. The teeth are held in their new position either by removable braces or by a wire that is glued to the teeth from the back and is not visible (fixed retainer). The type of retention device is always determined by a doctor.

invisible braces

Orthodontic medical team

MUDr. Magdaléna Koťová
Doc. Magdalena Koťová, Ph.D.

chief doctor of orthodontics

MDDr. Martin Linka
MDDr. Martin Linka

doctor specialising in orthodontics

MDDr. Kateřina Urbanová

doctor specialising in orthodontics

Monika Hendrichová
Monika Hendrichová, DiS

orthodontic assistant, dental hygienist

Monika Lipovská

orthodontic assistant

Alena Vápenková

orthodontic assistant

Lenka Vostrý

orthodontic assistant

Price list, Orthodontics

Here you will find a detailed price list for dental procedures.

See what it looks like at our orthodontic clinic

Contractual health insurance companies

VZP pojišťovna
Zdravotní pojišťovna ministerstva vnitra
Česká průmyslová zdravotní pojišťovna
VOZP zdravotní pojišťovna
OZP zdravotní pojišťovna
Zaměstnanecká pojišťovna Škoda

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Ambicare Prague 4


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Ambicare Prague 6


Vítězné náměstí 10, Praha 6